Sunday, October 25, 2015

Life Remote *more*

These are in progress. I have somewhat of an idea that is not quite ready yet, but I am still working on this concept. To me it's like a poem of words that we use in an automatic way. I think it can be a fun idea to think that our lives are managed in a “remote” kind of interaction.

We sit in one place and try to make things happen in another place. Using this bit of technology to assist us. This is our phone or our computer that becomes an extension of us. Although, many times there are not buttons for the things we wish could happen. Or events that we cannot control or undo.

My goal is to have the surface of this allude to life. The worn, random effects of living through life. The inevitable wear-and-tear that happens to us.

Because UX (user experience) is important to us in our daily lives, and my job many times is largely associated with a user's experience, I wanted this to be less user friendly; on/off buttons are randomly placed in the midst of banks of buttons. Also, purposely dis-organizing usage, so it would be work to locate the correct button for the desired result. Chances for errors are increased.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Triggers flag or Anti Flag

I have been thinking about what it would look like to combine a bunch of trigger symbols that create “anti” sentiments. It really started when observing the public recognition of the hatred represented by the confederate flag. Especially the unthreatening ways the confederate flag had inadvertently been used. Political figures have used the flag when campaigning in that part of the US, and Tom Petty had used it as a backdrop to enhance the feel of his 1980 tour.

Navajo Nation Flag
This attempt has been inspired by many of the Navajo Nation chapter flags that I have seen while working on the rez in recent years. The circle aesthetic is the main derivation. I also was hoping to create a hierarchy of images that are seen in a way that unfolds slowly to reveal layers of symbols.

I don't come from this part of the country, and being from California the Confederate flag means little to me besides representing a few states, and a type of rebel mentality. It is interesting how quickly our vernacular will tilt and a word or a symbol become verboten. I can understand an outpouring of sentiment in all of the recent horrible shootings and violence, but it seems to me that we attribute too much emphasis on identifying a symbol to separate a problem. The gun is the problem, the flag is the problem, money is the problem, drugs are the problem, fast food is the problem—when it’s really a humanity problem.

The symbols only have the power we give them. In time, none of them may carry any cache at all. It's provocative how these become such hot buttons and are so divisive.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Idea Mass Idea

Idea-Mass idea.
we live in a digital age.

we have knowledge of things, but less understanding. more information, less investment.

there was this thought about a history of knowledge and information. some things last. some don’t.

it appears the information we are surrounded by has less density. less importance—affected by volume and change. I care less about certain information because it can be acquired in short notice. less stays in my mind.

what is worth keeping in my mind?

is there understanding that will be essential?

one question I have carried with me for around thirty years now is “what will remain of this society” when it is found later? will all that remains is the most dense material we produced? porcelain toilets? fire hydrants? dams?

without electricity this current culture will become invisible.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Target Workers

Target workers is an idea I have had regarding the use of illegal laborers. They are targeted to do work that others would not do. These same people are targeted as people who need to be deported. Targeted as outsiders. They stand out and might as well have giant targets painted on them — or wear shirts that have targets or crosshairs on them. Crosshairs carry too much cache as death, but to them their life depends on being able to have this work opportunity.

Personally, I think we should make work visas readily available and welcomed and easy assign a person to legal work. This would be their identity that makes them “legal” to work and contribute to our society. At the same time make hiring illegals or black market workers more prosecutorial for the companies. Both of these would go towards helping the workers.

I have been working, experimenting with doing transfers to wood for the this imagery. The process has been one that has given me less than promising results so far. I like the ghosted quality that comes with the process. I believe it speaks to the etherial quality of the lives represented here. I also like that the targets seem to be from a different world; opaque, colorful, etc.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Life Remote

To have a remote that would help in life situations speaks to our dependence upon the technology around us. I am particularly aware of this when my analog life seeks an “undo” when there are none available. Looking for the particular way to make this remote, and while considering some other ideas along the way, this seems to be a fun and worthwhile project to continue with.

Currently, I am experimenting with scale for this project and some other ways of application of the imagery. This approaches some of the particular desires I have to use all of the tools I work with every day. Both digital and analog. Especially considering a way of having words play into my concept as well.

The other remote concepts are not mocked up yet, but as I get into this one I plan on evolving into the next remote ideas as well.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Decoy Concept

Temptation Concept / Sin Concept
In thinking of the dilemma of life's journey, I have been seeking images that describe the challenges with which we are daily faced. An idea I had was to show temptation in a way that could be depicted in a graphic form.

The oxymoron of a camouflaged decoy is one that I have been designing and am starting to build as a sculpture. What is shown here is my concept for how it can look. Currently I am seeking some decoys to purchase and paint, with an idea to build one that is oversized. Also, I have been researching camouflage patterns that will give the most ideal read to the concept. My first inclination was for it to be digital camouflage which speaks to a more contemporary look, but the jury is still out on this.

I hope this will read clearly and quickly. This series of concepts are exploring what it means to employ graphic design in the process of making an artistic statement that hopefully would continue into a more profound realm of object.